飞行旋转器 - 魔盘(玩具回旋镖)
飞行旋转器 - 魔盘(玩具回旋镖)
Toy Spinner
Key Features
Key Features
LED lights built-in: play at day and night
Easy to use: Turn on, wait 2sec and throw it at 45 degree angle
Boomerang feature: If thrown properly, it will come back to your hand.
Best resistant materials - survive drops from height
Specs & Info
Specs & Info
Material: PP plastic + electronic components
Origin: Mainland China
Supplier: YXS Ycristu Store
Power supply: built-in lithium battery
Charging time: 15 minutes
Battery life: about 5 minutes
Packing: with box
What's Included
What's Included
1x Flying Ball Spinner
1x User Manual
1x USB cable
How long does it charge?
How long does the battery last?
-About 5min
Does it return as a boomerang?
-Only if thrown under 45 degrees.
期待已久的 TikTok 著名飞行回旋镖终于出现在下一代科技商店!
- 15 分钟快速充电 - 乐趣不会停止太久。
-最好的耐磨材料 - 它会生存。
-4 种投掷模式 - 漂浮、回旋镖等。
-LED 灯 - 使其可以在夜间播放。
- 易于操作 - 亲自尝试看看。
教程视频很快就会在我们的tiktok 个人资料上发布。
- 飞盘
- 充电线
- 用户手册
I had seen other kids in the park and bought it for my 5-year-old. Once in my hand... Seems dangerous to me. I am not sure if I am going to give it to him or leave it to him in a few years. The product itself good condition and very orginial, fun
very fast delivery and product was properly packed and deliverd. recommend.